Of all my friends, I am definitely not the most mature, especially when it comes to my domestic duties. I have just turned 28, which got me thinking about all the things I still need to learn how to do. I came up with a list of 45 things that I think all people in their late twenties should aim to be able to do before they turn 30. I have 18 months to make sure I can do all of the following things…wish me luck!
- Cook a delicious roast dinner for more than two people
- Work your heating thermostat and actually set it to specific times
- Do a tax return
- Grow your own vegetables
- Accessorize your home
- Build a website
- Manage a credit card
- Read a map
- Parallel park
- Make the perfect cup of tea
- Successfully uncork a bottle of wine
- Change a tyre
- Stand up for yourself
- Prioritise
- Let go of bad friends
- Bake
- Arrange the cushions on your sofa
- Self defence
- Put up a tent
- Be a seasoned traveller
- Remember people’s names
- Travel light
- Alcohol – know your limits
- Sew on a button
- Hold a baby
- Open a savings account/ISA
- How to renew your passport
- Choose your own wine
- Examine your breasts
- Go for your smear test
- Check your credit score
- Wrap a present beautifully
- Open a bottle of champagne
- Know your bra size
- Leave the house without makeup
- Buy tampons, condoms, embarrassing medication without cringing
- Make candles
- Recycle
- Accept you don’t have the body of an 18 year old anymore, and embrace it
- Take part in a yoga/pilates class
- Assemble new furniture from Ikea
- Find the perfect pair of shoes
- Find a pair of jeans that fit AND are comfortable
- Not care about what people think
- Have the perfect bath (bubbles, candles, wine, Kindle)