About Us

The Content Wolf Profile PicHi there fellow wolves, welcome to The Content Wolf Magazine.

You’ve come to the right place if you want to read uplifting articles that will leave you with food for thought. 

This refreshing mag aims to delve into life’s struggles, finding ways to combat them – and come out the other side. We all want to be happy. But the saying is so true, happiness is a journey, not a destination. You can’t just click your fingers and be happy. 

Therefore, we find the word ‘content’ more of a suitable fit. 

If you are content with something, you are willing to accept it, rather than wanting something more or something better. Collins Dictionary

Want to read and discuss mental health issues, wellbeing, lifestyle topics and travel? Join us. From anxiety issues to depression and surviving in the digital age to wellbeing tips and people sharing their personal experiences – we’ve got lots of tales to tell. 

A bit of background

The Content Wolf Magazine started out as a personal blog by freelance writer and Content Creation Company owner Kiri Nowak-Smith. Over time it has evolved into something more. A community rather than a blog platform for Kiri to share her daily life. She decided she wanted to invite handpicked guest writers to contribute to the website and tell their stories too. So here we are. Not a glossy magazine, but more of a gritty publication to enable people to talk about the raw, real and downright confusing aspects of life. 

Magazine disclaimer

Terms of use

I can’t be held responsible for any of the information I provide.

All the information provided is for entertainment purposes only, I’m not providing medical, legal or other professional advice, only my personal thoughts, ideas and people’s experiences.  

If you need advice on something, whether it’s a mental or physical health issue – please always seek professional help.

All content provided on this website is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. These terms and conditions of use are subject to change at any time and without notice

The Content Wolf copyright policy

This is all original content. I am the legal copyright holder of anything I post. I do not give permission for others to publish any of my work without my written consent. I have worked hard to create unique, engaging and fresh content, so please don’t ruin that.

Privacy statement

I promise not to sell or disclose any personal contact information to another company. You won’t be put on spam lists, although please note I am not responsible for the privacy practices of any blog commenters or advertisers.

We do not share personal information with third-parties nor do we store information we collect about your visit to this site for use other than to analyze content performance through the use of cookies, which you can turn off at anytime by modifying your internet browser’s settings. We are not responsible for the republishing of the content found on this site on other websites or media without our permission. 

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice.


-Comments deemed to be spam or questionable spam will be deleted. Including a link to relevant content is permitted, but comments should be relevant to the post topic.

-Comments including profanity will be deleted.

-Comments containing language or concepts that could be deemed offensive will be deleted.

-Comments that attack a person individually will be deleted.

Guest bloggers

Opinions and positions expressed within guest posts are those of the author alone and I cannot accept liability for any errors.