I Never Realised I Would Feel So Sad On A Day Like Today

I Never Realised I Would Feel So Sad On A Day Like Today

I’m sat at my computer attempting to work, but doing work today just doesn’t feel right. My heart’s not in it. How can I focus on writing articles for my clients when such a huge decision has been made about our country’s future.?

I woke up this morning at around 7am to my boyfriend telling me ‘oh by the way we’re out of the EU’. I was like, ha ha very funny, I don’t believe you, lol you’re such a joker babe. Then he showed me the BBC news site, and I think my jaw hit the floor.

I’m not going to write a post moaning about the people who voted out, being hateful or acting as if the world is going to end (or at least GB). However, I am going to share how I am feeling.

I am really surprised by just how much this is affecting me. I actually want to curl into a ball under my duvet and cry. A few weeks ago, I was undecided. I felt I needed to educate myself before making an informed decision.

In the end, I voted in, mostly just because I like being in the EU. I like being part of the bigger picture, and I love travelling around Europe. FYI that’s my Polish Grandad in the picture, I felt like it was the right picture for this post, as it shows both generations, and how everyone will be affected by this.

Like a lot of other people, I didn’t realise not only how strongly I would feel after the result came in, but how ashamed I am to be British today. What areĀ all the other countries in the EU thinking about Brits on this historic day? All my friends are bitterly disappointed, even some friends who I thought didn’t really care much about the result.

Part of the reason I am feeling so low after the result, is because I wasn’t expecting this result at all.

I guess I was naive enough to believe that my Facebook friends who all seemed ‘in’ represent the entire population. They do not.

Another reason I am feeling low and disappointed to be British is the way everyone is reacting. It’s perfectly fine to express your disappointment or disapproval of the results, but people are literally tearing each other apart on social media with such hate.

I’m worried for the future not just because of the result, but more so because I wonder how the hell everyone is going to behave. It’s shocking how much hate there is in this world.

So yeah, I’m not hating the people who voted out, they are entitled to their own opinion. That’s what a vote is for at the end of the day. It’s all the lies and empty promises that made people think we would be better off that gives me the rage. Campaigns on both sides have been built on lies.

That’s it, that’s the extent I’m going to moan about the result. I guess now we just have to pull together and get through this almighty mess.

There’s times in your life when you cannot change what will happen, so you have to make the best of a bad situation.

Will the next few years be tough? Yes. Am I uncertain about my future and the future of my children? Yes. However, I have an amazing boyfriend, a fantastic career and wonderful family and friends. I couldn’t really ask for more.

Even if the shit hits the fan (which judging by recent events, it will), I’m going to treasure the irreplaceable things in my life. Whatever happens, my partner and I will find a way to survive and keep going, we always do.

Our lives may go down a different path now, but we will tackle it together, united and with love, just like our fellow countryman should.

Plus, on a positive note, at least I exchanged my money for my holiday yesterday not today….



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