So, I’m not really sure where I’m going with this post, or whether it makes any sense at all. I could just be going on about a bunch of odd relationship stuff that no one relates to, or you may read each point and realise you do the exact same thing.
When you have been with someone for a while, you definitely learn how to push their buttons, but also what makes them tick. Sometimes, these two things collide, and you manage to simultaneously annoy your boyfriend but also impress them at the same time. Who knew it was possible? Plus, if we were all perfect girlfriends all the time life would be a bit dull. Here’s 28 ways to simultaneously be the worst and best girlfriend ever.
1. Steal some of their food and then buy them an epic I’m sorry feast.
2. Moan about their annoying habits and then tell them how much you love them.
3. When they do something really soppy and cheesy tell all their friends and laugh about it, you will encourage their friends to take the piss out of them, but all their girlfriends will be green with envy. #win
4. Bring a new puppy or new dog home without asking permission, which you know they will be mad about for around two seconds, then they will fall in love.
5. Deny them attention for few days but give the best cuddles and affection ever.
6. Expect to be treated like royalty on Valentine’s Day but also agree to celebrate steak and you know what day.
7. Wear no make up because they prefer your natural look but also fail to make any effort to look sexy.
8. Go away for a week with your girlfriends and leave them to fend for themselves, then return home with a present and a new found appreciation for your man.
9. Leave all your clothes all over the bedroom but also lay out your sexy underwear.
10. Fart accidentally on purpose because you know they hate it but also wear their favourite perfume.
11. Force him to talk about his feelings which he will hate, but knowing once he gets things off his chest he will feel better and thank you for it.
12. Get a really good deal on that birthday present they wanted then spend the leftover money you saved on something for yourself instead of buying additional presents.
13. Force a conversation about about babies, weddings and the future but then afterwards say ‘I don’t think we really need to have a plan.’
14. Make him watch endless episodes of the girly programme you are watching (which they secretly love anyway) and then watch an epic action movie with them.
15. Joke about how much of a mummy’s boy he is and then go on about how much you love his mum and family.
16. Take pictures of him ‘ugly’ sleeping all the time and post them on social media, but also post pictures that make them look good.
17. Start a massive argument just before they are about to watch a big game, then make up just before the whistle blows and watch the entire game whilst snuggling up to him.
18. Inflict the no phone rule by grabbing his phone every time he starts using it, but then jump on him and give him loads of attention, proving why he shouldn’t be on his phone instead of with you.
19. Leave all your 75859 bathroom products all over the bathroom but then realise that despite his dislike of girl’s stuff cluttering the bathroom he actually can’t help but use all your products.
2-. Buy them tickets to a championship sports game but then insist they take you with them instead of a mate (even though you have zero interest in the sport).
21. Crash your boyfriend’s boys night BBQ, but then end up cooking all the food and playing waitress for the him and his friends.
22. Text him loads when he’s with his friends but then say stuff you know they will read and will make him look good.
23. Pretend you have made them a salad for dinner but then surprise them with their favourite home cooked meal.
24. Invite all your girl friends over but then spend the evening talking about how awesome your boyfriend is when you know they can hear you in the other room.
25. Annoy your boyfriend by taking countless pictures of yourself before you go out, but then when you are out, pull of the most impressive blue steel pose known to man (see main picture).
26. Sing in a horrendously out of tune voice when you know they are down and need cheering up, even if they do go deaf in the process.
27. Book a surprise weekend away but then ask them to pay for half, because helllooo, you aren’t made of money.
28. When they call you to ask you to come pick them up from the station or give them a lift home at 3am say no, but then feel guilty and go and get them anyway.