Why is it so hard to truly be happy? Probably because we allow so many things to get in the way of our happiness. Most of the time we don’t even realise how toxic some of these things are, we just do them without thinking.
If you want to enjoy life then you need to eliminate certain bad habits. Some are much harder than others. While you can cut some things out instantly, other silly little things that you do may take years to correct. You will have to work hard to change the way you think about things and retrain your brain.
A few of these suggestions may seem trivial (probably because they are) but every little helps. I didn’t want to only include things that seem very hard to stop. So, from my experience (and in my opinion) here are 22 things you need to STOP DOING, like, as soon as possible if you want to walk down the street with a smile on your face every single day.
1. Expect everything to be perfect
Sometimes things will go spectacularly wrong. If you expect everything to go to plan you will be horribly disappointed.
2. Feel guilty about everything you eat
Whether it’s because you want to lose weight or you are scared you are allergic to every single food, try not to torment yourself every time you eat something. It’s just not fun. Have a treat once in a while and feel damn good about it.
3. Read the news
OK, you might have to read the news occasionally so that you know roughly what’s going on in the world, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it every day. It’s just British news is so darn depressing.
4.Google health problems
Don’t even think about it. Even if you are a little bit curious fight the urge. Google will always diagnose imminent death. Headache? = death. Dry skin? = death. Don’t do it. I confess, I did this yesterday. Fail.
5. Spend half your life on your phone
Everyone hates people that sit there on their phone all the time. Now everyone is starting to do it and we actually think it’s normal. Be present in the real world for just one second please.
6. Get addicted to Candy Crush
You may think this provides you with temporary happiness but before you know it you will be playing for four hours a day. Not cool. Serious addictions to silly games will not make you happy. No sir.
7. Join 15 Whatsapp groups
Do you really want everyone you know sending you hundreds of mind numbingly boring messages 24 hours a day? Joining more than two groups on Whatsapp will be detrimental to your mental health.
8. Go on crash diets
Detox this, juice that. Avoid at all costs. Crash diets make you miserable, can be dangerous and are will only give you temporary success. Here’s an idea, just eat sensibly most of the time.
9. Always try and please others over yourself
I am still working on this one. Sometimes in life you have to be a little bit selfish. You are not being a terrible person you just need to occasionally look out for yourself if you want to be happy. Look after number one.
10. Focus on what you don’t have
You will never, ever be happy if you constantly compare yourself to others. Besides, jealousy is a totally unattractive trait. Try to fight the green monster, send it on a vacation so you can be happy.
11. Only see the negatives
Another one I must work on. Basically being negative about everything makes you feel like crap. Try to see the positive side of life every now and then.
12. Hold on to grudges
There are a few people I really resent. They have hurt my family or totally screwed me over in some way. Most people have someone they are holding a grudge against. Occasionally I picture these people when I am kickboxing which suggests I may not have let go of my grudges yet, but I certainly plan to. Eventually. Once I have had my sweet revenge I will let it go (only joking).
13. Fail to enjoy the present
Stop thinking about the future and actually enjoy the present. Live in the moment and happiness shall be delivered to you.
14. Do zero exercise
It has been proven that there is a direct link between exercise and happiness. Just find a type of exercise you actually enjoy, don’t force yourself to do something you hate.
15. Always say yes
Yes, yes, yes, yes….NO! If you say yes to everything you will constantly be stressed and unhappy.
16. Gossip
I confess, I do partake in the occasional gossip session. I know it’s not healthy but it’s easy to get sucked in. Don’t be the one that starts gossiping amongst your friends.
17. Pass judgements
Try not to be quick to pass judgements about people before you get to know them/understand their situation. You will be happier if you try and see the best in people.
18. Try to be someone you are not
It takes a long time to figure who you are. As you learn more about yourself, try and stay true to who you are. Spending your whole life trying to be something you are not is completely exhausting.
19. Think money brings happiness
OK so it does bring a little bit of happiness in that it gives you stability but it is not the answer to everything. Money won’t make you happy, end of. Accept it.
20. Trying to compete against everyone else
Always thinking you have to be better than everyone else at everything you do will run you into the ground.
21. Constantly complain/whimper
Complaining doesn’t do anyone any good. Plus if you always complain you won’t get sympathy when something is really wrong. Complaining makes you more unhappy and encourages negativity.
22. Waste your life worrying
I would personally say this is the most important one. I worry about bloody everything and it prevents me from enjoying life. Worry less, live more.
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