So it’s happening. No matter how much I try to deny it and pretend like I’m still 23, I can’t avoid the fact that I’m turning 30 in a few short months. I have even started to plan my celebrations, which is a stepping stone, because for a while I just wanted to act like it was never happening.
It’s time to stop wallowing and moaning and dreading January 2017, and actually try and focus on some of the positive things that just *might* come out of turning 30. It’s not all bad ladies. In fact, many women say their 30’s were the best years of their life.
Why? There’s plenty of reasons, things that probably haven’t even crossed your mind because you are too busy cursing the fact that you’re getting only and may have to start growing up soon. Don’t listen to all that crap, you never have to grow up, not really, you just might have to do a few more adult like things every so often.
When you think about your 20’s, were they really that great? Yes you probably went out lots, met plenty of people, travelled a bit and fell in love. But you also might have had a few financial struggles and had to learn how to cope living on your own and survive in a world where you have to pay so much for so many things.
Being a twenty something in 2016 is no walk in the park. No sir. So I should quit worrying about doomsday (turning 30), reflect on what I have discovered throughout my 20’s and look forward to the next decade in my life.
To be completely honest, I’m not just writing this article for you guys. I’m writing it because I need to focus on the positives, and open my eyes to the opportunities and good times that lay ahead. It’s true, there is in fact a lot to look forward to, and no I don’t simply mean babies and marriage. Here’s 21 reasons to be excited about your 30s.
1. You don’t have to study anymore
Well unless you have decided to change careers or learn some extra skills. No more studying or exams, happy days.
2. You have (probably) learned to financially support yourself
Easier said than done right? But the reality is that most people can better support themselves in their 30’s. You might just have a bit of extra cash to spend on yourself at the end of the month.
3. You probably know who you are
According to a Harvard psychologist, after the age of 30, your personality has ‘set like plaster’. This doesn’t mean you won’t grow and change through your 30’s, but your personality is probably going to stay the same. It’s nice after the struggles of your teens and your early twenties to finally know who you are and embrace it.
4. Your life is probably a lot more stable
You might own a house, or be renting in the same place for a few years. You may even have settled with a partner, and your job is probably more steady. So yeah, your 30’s might just be a tad more stable than your 20’s.
5. You know more about what you want to do with your life
It takes years and often a few career changes to figure what you want to do with your life. Not many people are dead set on their career in their early 20’s, and a lot of people completely change what they are doing by their 30’s. The chances are you might be fairly clued up on what career you want to focus on during this decade of your life.
6. Your hard work is starting to pay off
All those years of hard work are finally starting to pay off. You started off from scratch, have worked your way up the ladder, and now you are starting to get the rewards. It feels good to start seeing the results of all that effort.
7. You have figured out who your friends really are, and ditched the toxic ones
By your 30’s you have let go of most of your toxic friendships, and you have less patience for those who don’t make an effort with you. So the ones left are probably going to be your friends for life.
8. There’s still plenty of time to do amazing things, you don’t have to have everything figured out
Despite the above points, you don’t have to have everything figured out, and you can keep challenging yourself through your 30’s.
9. You don’t take life for granted
You might have seen the tougher side of life or at least gone through some challenging times by the ripe old age of 30. You know how difficult life can be and you don’t take anything for granted.
10. You have probably discovered how to eat well
By your 30’s, you (hopefully) have learned how to feed yourself adequately. You might even be passionate about eating well, which means you will probably be a lot healthier than you were in your twenties when you sometimes had beans on toast four days running.
11. You will reach peaks in your professional and personal life
According to Payscale.com analysis, women experience a pay growth peak at an average age of 39. Also scientists and artists tend to have their biggest creative breakthroughs in their 30’s. That’s pretty exciting, right?
12. You have learned from your mistakes
We all make mistakes. You have probably made your fair share. By your 30’s you will know how to avoid a lot of mistakes, so life gets a little easier.
13. You can have a fresh start
Bad relationship? Hate your career? Your 30’s present the perfect opportunity to have a fresh start if you want to. So take a risk and don’t be afraid to try something new.
14. You are adult enough to not have to do everything your parents say
Once you hit 30, you are officially a grown adult. Which means, your parents have to start living with your decisions and stop babying you. You most certainly don’t have to answer to them anymore.
15. Instead of having to go out clubbing and binge drinking, you can go out for dinner and drink copious amounts of wine.
No more pressure to go out and party until the early hours of the morning and drink until you vomit. Now you can enjoy simple dinners out with lots of vino without feeling boring. Unless you still want to go out clubbing, in which case, turning 30 doesn’t mean you have to stop.
16. You will probably look your best
You know your personal style, have figured out what suits you, have lost all that weight you put on at uni, and you might be vaguely interested in your general health, which means you will probably look better.
17. You care less about what people think of you
You don’t take people’s crap anymore. You walk around with your head held high without caring about nasty comments or petty stuff. Who cares that other people think, you’re 30 now.
18. You have some life experience under your belt
Everything seems a little less daunting in your 30’s because you have had some life experience. People take you more seriously and you are probably well respected in your profession.
19. You don’t have to worry about being fashionable anymore
Gone are the days when you had to wear the latest designer outfit or trend from Instagram. Now you just want to be comfy.
20. You have learned to say no to things you don’t want to do
Screw doing stuff you really don’t want to do. Now you are happy to turn things down if it’s in your best interests not to attend.
21. You will hit your sexual peak
And finally, you lucky things, you will hit your sexual peak in your 30’s. According to research women reach their peak in their 30’s (men are early 40’s). You probably feel sexier and far more in tune with your body. In summary, by the time you are 30, you know what you like.