OK, so I am no beauty expert, but I do enjoy the occasional pamper. Fellow women also tell me I should be doing this thing called a ‘skin care routine’ which, by the way, is far more complicated than just washing your face and slapping on a dollop of moisturiser.
When you go for a beauty treatment at beauty salons they always ask you what skin type you are. I am like errrrm I’m sorry I have no idea, I guess my skin is ever so slightly dry? I went to a spa party the other day and answered an actual questionnaire about my skin, and apparently I have ‘combination skin’.
Another reason my interest in beauty products has increased is because my sister keeps banging on about this company called ‘Faith in Nature’. I have always been concerned about the levels of chemicals included in all beauty products. For example, check your shampoo, do you know what half those chemicals listed in the ingredients even are? Nope, me either. So I have embarked on a mission (partly to make my sister happy) to find a few natural beauty products that I feel can compete with the other brands.
Here’s an honest account of seven new beauty products that are currently floating around my bathroom.
1. Temple Spa Dual Act Cleanser
This is the product I bought from the Temple Spa party I went to. Mainly because it was one of the cheaper ones but also as it made my skin feel silky smooth. It was delivered yesterday so I am yet to see the long term results but after a couple of applications my skin feels clean and softer than usual. Only time will tell if it’s worth the price tag.
2. Soap and Glory The Ultimelt Cleanser
I have been using this for a month or so now and I have to say I have had a couple of comments about my skin. You sort of give yourself a mini facial when you put it on, and I try and leave it on for a few minutes while I am in the shower. I don’t use The Ultimelt every day just when I feel like my skin needs a little TLC.
3. Faith in Nature Rejuvenating Facial Wash
I have been using the Body Shop Tea Tree foaming cleanser as a face wash for a while and I felt it was time to try something else. When my sister raved about Faith in Nature I thought it would be good to try their facial wash.
I have to say I do miss the tingly freshness of the tea tree cleanser. However, the Faith in Nature cleanser does do the job and you do notice that it is lacking in horrible chemicals. I like knowing my face is being washed with natural ingredients, especially as it’s such a sensitive area.
4. Faith In Nature Replenishing Face Moisturiser
After using a basic Nivea moisturiser and sometimes just using body lotion on my face (shock, horror) I decided to get a proper moisturiser. The Faith in Nature moisturiser is nice and light, non-greasy and blends onto my skin easily. The only downside is as it is all natural it doesn’t really have a particularly nice smell.
5. Faith In Nature Lavender Shampoo and Conditioner
I adore the smell of lavender. Everyone has that one scent that really relaxes them and for me it’s lavender. I have to say of all my new Faith in Nature products the shampoo and conditioner are my favourites. My hair feels really healthy and the gorgeous lavender smell still comes through even after drying my hair.
I have run out now and have resorted to Tresemme again but I am going to get some more as soon as I can. It’s a little more expensive than your average shampoo but it lasts quite a long time as you don’t need much.
6. St Moritz Fake Tan
I haven’t bought fake tan in about ten years, so purchasing this product brought me back to my late teens when I constantly smelled of the stuff. Why can’t they invent a fake tan that smells just a little bit appealing? If anyone knows of one please get in touch.
Despite the smell this product is easy to apply and dries fairly quickly. I am pretty awful at doing anything delicate and apply fake tan evenly definitely tests my patience. I was pleasantly surprised that despite my lazy application skills this fake tan actually came out even. Hurrah, it’s foolproof!
7. Soap and Glory Butter Yourself
I do like to indulge in a few Soap and Glory products now and then, I just love the sweet, feminine smell that most of their products have. It’s quite rare that I actually bother to apply body moisturiser after a bath or shower, I mean, isn’t drying yourself enough of an effort. I also find it makes me feel sticky when I come to get dressed, but Butter Yourselfdoesn’t do that. It’s smells very fruity and makes my skin feel adequately moisturised.