I guess you could say that my job and lifestyle has many perks. I have managed to get myself into a position where I am in control of when and where I work, and that’s pretty darn awesome. However, I do realise that anybody who works a nine to five office job and lives with a freelancer may get the occasional bout of jealousy.
Although many people imagine us freelancers sitting in our PJ’s all day doing absolutely nothing, obviously the reality is very different. Sometimes, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, and although you have freedom, other aspects of your job can get you down.
Yes we get to wake up whenever we want, take a day off when we fancy and work as little or as much as we like, but that’s just one side of the story. Freelancing is also hard, stressful, frustrating and lonely (but on the whole I have to say I bloody love it).
So what happens if you live with a freelancer? At times, it can be really damn irritating to live with someone who has total freedom and flexibility. Here’s what it’s really like living with a freelancer:
The bad
- You have to drag your ass to work everyday while they get to stay at home.
- Their ‘commute’ is non existent, or maybe involves a gentle walk to the local coffee shop. You have to embark on some sort of commuter pilgrimage every day.
- You wake up at 6am in the morning and when you see them all cosy in bed sleeping soundly you kind of want to throw freezing water over them, coz it’s totes not fair.
- You come home after a really bad day at work and they are in a fantastic mood because they went on a lovely bike ride in the sunshine (because they can), and their joy makes you even more miserable.
- Their freedom makes you feel claustrophobic because you are in a job where you can’t just do whatever the hell you want.
- You have to put super smart and uncomfortable work clothes on, whilst their ‘work clothes’ consist of jeans and a hoodie.
- When they call you on their lunch break you try to sound enthusiastic about their day when really you don’t want to hear about how much fun they are having whilst also being able to earn a living.
- When they post pictures of the cool things they are doing on social media while you are stuck in the office you want to claw your eyes out and tell them to stop bragging.
The good
Don’t forget that there’s also some benefits to living with a freelancer…
- They can usually do things with you last minute because they can just work later if they need to.
- They are always around for company (although this is a bad thing if you need some space!).
- They can have dinner on the table when you get home, because they can finish early and make it for you if they need to.
- You can take an extended holiday with them if you both fancy some time off.
- They can come to important appointments with you during the day.
- They can help you out by doing things you can’t do such as picking up a prescription for you or staying in to wait around for the plumber or a parcel you have ordered.
So there you go, living with a freelancer has it’s pros and cons. Perhaps us freelancers shouldn’t rub our job satisfaction in our partner’s (or housemates) face so much. If you live with someone who works full time in an office, expect them to occasionally not be so enthusiastic about your flexible lifestyle.