It’s safe to say many of us are in jobs we don’t love. Perhaps you’re slogging away in a nine to five job when really your dream is to be a performer in the circus, to travel the world or start your own business. It’s hard, really hard.
When every day is a drag it can seem pointless and neverending, but that doesn’t have to be the case.
Sometimes all it takes is a change of viewpoint and suddenly everything becomes clear.
Chrissie Mae Masangkay shares her thoughts on how to stay positive in your nine to five job and stay motivated, even if it’s not what you really want to be doing…
I’ve been in a situation where I loathed my job so much I broke down and dreaded going to work every single morning. Apparently, it wasn’t the co-workers, nor the work, but my mentality.
It wasn’t what I wanted to do, and seemed like everything wasn’t the right fit. Escape was what my head was screaming at me. I was craving freedom.
But eventually, jumping from one place to another made me realize how lucky I was when I was there — especially when the pay was incomparable to some of the other places I’ve worked.
Since then, I’ve tried to condition myself mentally and emotionally, preparing for the battle ahead—waking up in the morning enthused to go and actually do work.
I read self- help books and watched motivational videos to help cure and understand the laziness/ depression/ unknown emotional chaos within me.
Here are some insights that helped keep my spirits up while at work:
1. Smile and be grateful
Think of all the things that your job is helping provide you with which lessens your worry i.e. a roof over your head, food on your table and paying for your expenses.
If you have paid vacation days and sick days/wellness days, use all of them because you’re privileged to do so. The company is actually paying you for those as they want to make sure their employees are healthy, productive, effective and ready to take on the day. So really make the most of any time off you get.
In addition to, if your job involves travelling to different places and everything’s paid, how cool is that? Use it to your advantage to see the world.
2. Treat your job as an investor of your future
If you’re dreaming of going back to school, establishing your own business, buying your own house or saving for retirement, you’ll probably need money to accomplish these.
Treat your job as if it’s your investor. Bi-weekly or whenever you’re getting paid you’re sure to have something in your bank which you can use towards the fulfillment of your #lifegoals. Keep. Moving. Forward.
3. Use the time that you are there to think about what you’d want to do
Not sure what to do with your life yet and still need time to think about it? Staying in a job until you figure it out will be the smartest and safest way to do so.
It’ll also open your mind to other options you’ve never even knew existed. You’ll never know it might be something you’ll really aspire to do.
4. Hone your skill sets which you might use later in your career
Whether it’s computer skills, communication skills, sales, marketing, etc., a way to practice and enhance your skill set is by using them.
Plus, use your managers and superiors as free mentors if you have any questions regarding your work ethics/which areas to improve.
5. Free and easy networking with your co-workers
Socialize, mingle and connect with your peers. They might be your key to success.
Having realized those, it seems a 9-5 job isn’t meant to kill your dreams and/or creativity. It’s also not meant to keep you in a cage, trapped and helpless. Hence, it’s there to keep things afloat in your life until you discern what you’d want to do, plus where you want to be.
So while your status maybe “a work in progress” or “finding my own way”, keep pressing on taking advantage of what your job has to offer and just enjoy the moment.
Keep these things in mind and you’ll be much better equipped to face the challenges that your job throws at you. As long as you have a goal, and a timeline in mind you will be able to stay strong. These are just the stepping stones to a far brighter future, promise…
Chrissie x
I absolutely love this blog post! It is so true. Number 2 really resonated with me “Treat your job as an investor of your future”. Sometimes working 9-5 everyday can be really hard and demotivating. I also used the money I earned from my 9-5 to start my own business. It shines a new light within you. As you work on yourself you begin to feel more motivated to also work harder at work. The work you do right now is what provide the means to fulfill your destiny. xoxox Absolutely love it Chrissie!!!