2020 is certainly going to be a memorable one – hopefully, for all the right reasons as much as the difficult ones. There are always positives to be found in…
We’ve all been there. “I’m worried”, “I’m scared”, I’m nervous and anxious.” These, together with many other similar variations, are dominant phrases in our daily language. We’ve always had things…
As the country sits fairly firmly under lock and key, there’s never been a more important time to spread kindness. And with the theme of this year’s Mental Health…
Happiness: we all seek it. Every single one of us was born with a universal language – the natural ability to laugh, smile and express joy without a need for…
As you’ve probably gathered from many of my articles, I like to explore how to add more joy and happiness to your life. And whilst there’s no magic solution and…
As you battle through life you’ll no doubt come across a bunch of negative people. We all have ‘enablers’ in our life. People who encourage us to follow our dreams…
Do you get envious of people who are always dealt a good hand? You know the type. Sunshine and rainbows. There’s apparently no wrong turn for them. They’ve gone…
No folks, I’m not saying you need to grab a hot water bottle, give yourself a massage and whisper sweet nothings to yourself. This isn’t about looking after yourself. It’s…
OK so some of you may massively disagree with me here. But I’m just going to come out with it. I think I enjoy winter holidays (a.k.a dreamy, snowy, mulled-wine…