We’ve all heard about the freelance dream. Leave your job, and you can travel the world and work remotely. Drop everything and simply ‘follow your dreams’. Well, sorry to put…
Wait, stop. You’re saying that being busy is a bad thing? Well, it depends on what ‘busy’ means to you. If it means juggling seven different tasks simultaneously and feeling…
Most of my memories of secondary school involve trying to juggle sport and studies. The sporty girl battling body image Rushing to school with damp hair from swimming training at…
I was sitting in a cafe typing away when I overheard the staff chatting. “I just can’t be friends with him anymore, I haven’t got the time for it. But…
When I was twenty-two, a therapist told me I was codependent. I didn’t know what that meant. She told me that it meant a one-sided relationship in which one partner…
It’s clear that the UK is a nation of dog lovers. Did you know that 34% of British households own a dog? That’s around 10 million of us who can’t…
You’re never going to go through life without having conflict. Plenty of people will let you down. Plenty of people will try to come at you. In my experience, as…
We all know the benefits water brings to our lives. Humans are water-based life forms, so we can’t survive without it. 60% of our bodies, 90% of our blood and…
Mental health is the buzzword on everyone’s lips. We’re told “mental health is as important as physical health,” and “we should be open about this.” But while it’s one thing…